Our Honest Price Guarantee

What’s the difference between our guarantee and others sites that claim “Lowest Price Guarantee”. Well, we believe that the Lowest Price Guarantee statement is dishonest.

Who can claim that they have the lowest prices? We research our competition and we have several items lower than their prices and others are higher. It is impossible to shop the entire internet, so to make that claim is virtually impossible.

ASD will match any legitimate offer if you find one lower than our prices. Just send us the web address or magazine ad. Competitor must have item in stock. On occasion, our competitors might sell something below cost or sell an item below Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP), which we will not match, but this is very rare. 

Please understand these limitations two-fold.  First, pricing below cost we feel is unethical and anti-competition. Both locally based stores and on-line aquarium supply sellers started small and we embrace open competition as it makes the hobby better for all. Pricing below cost to cut out competition is wrong and therefore we will not match such practices.

Second, please understand that MAPs are a commitment that we stand by with our vendors and we honor their MAP policies. These MAP policies have been put in place by quality manufacturers and brands who have developed a stellar reputation for their products and want to offer their products to all reputable sellers. The MAPs protect the vendors as well as the sellers.

Below are vendors with MAPs – Please note that this list is regularly updated:

  • Algae Free
  • AquaMaxx
  • Bubble Magus
  • CoralVue
  • Current USA
  • Digital Aquatics
  • EcoTech Marine
  • Elos
  • Hydor Koralia
  • Innovative Marine
  • Kessil
  • Maxspect
  • Neptune Systems
  • Reef Octopus
  • Trigger Systems
  • Tunze

We are also unable to offer price matching on heavy bulk items such as rock, salt, sand, clearance products, or products on Amazon or eBay.