11 Astounding Types of Freshwater Eels (With Pictures!)

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If you feel like normal freshwater fish is too mainstream, why don’t you consider keeping freshwater eels as pets?

Eels make excellent pets and are a remarkable addition to your home aquariums. In this article, I’ll walk you through the 11 best types of freshwater eels for your aquarium.

But first, let’s discuss some fun facts about freshwater aquarium that you might have missed.

What are Freshwater Eels?

The freshwater eels are nocturnal eels, meaning they prey at night with their rather weak eyesight but an incredible sense of smell. Freshwater eels are catadromous, living their entire lives in freshwater and migrating downstream to spawn in the ocean.

True freshwater eels belong to the family Anguillidae and the genus Anguilla. Around 15 to 20 freshwater species of eels fall into the Anguilla genus, including the very popular American eels, Moray eels, Spaghetti eels, and European eels. Unlike other types of eels, Anguillidae freshwater eels have scales on their body and they are a crucial source of food in some parts of the world, especially in Europe where they’re bred on farms at large scales.

Very few species of freshwater aquarium eels acquire the aquarium hobby. Among them, the most popular is from the genus Mastacembelidae, classified as spiny eels, such as the tire track eel and fire eel.

Some Fun Facts About Freshwater Eels

Here are some fun and bizarre facts about freshwater aquarium eels.

An Eel is just elongated versions of fish

It would surprise you, but many years ago, people confused eels with snakes, because of their uncanny resemblance. However, according to their anatomy, they are just an elongated version of fish.

However, eels differ from fish in a number of ways, including the absence of pelvic fins and lack of pectoral fins in some eels. Also, the dorsal fins and anal of eels are merged with the tail, forming a single strip running along with most of the eels’ length.

Ardent Swimmers

Freshwater eel species are bottom. They prefer holes, the bottom layer of your tank, and other hidden places to bury themselves in the substrate. They love to dig deeper in the dirt and plants to take full advantage to surprise their prey with occasional attacks.

Below 41°, Eels Go Torpor

During extreme winters, when the temperature reaches below 41°F or 5°C, freshwater eel species dip themselves in the mud and enter into a stage, similar to hibernation, known as torpor.


According to research, there are approximately 800 species of eel. 110 genera, 19 families, and four suborders that we term eels.

Favorite Treat

Some cultures such as Japanese, Korean, and Chinese feast on eels. Interesting enough?

That’s Not All.

These cultures identify eels as a popular cuisine and it costs way more expensive. In Hong Kong, only a kilogram of eels would cost you around 1000 HKD. That’s because eels are known to boost stamina and energy levels, especially some species of eel, including European eels, jellied eels, longfin eels, etc.

They Could Easily Kill You

Have you ever wondered why eel is always served cooked?

That’s because the blood of eel is highly poisonous and it could potentially kill you. The blood of eels contains a toxic protein that can cramp your body muscles, including the heart, leading to sudden death.

They Can Swim Backward

The body of the eel is attenuate shaped, starting with a long, slimy body that ends with a powerful tail. Therefore, their body shape allows freshwater eels to wiggle and swim backward after their prey.

No One Knows How They Reproduce

Humans for hundreds of years have tried to figure out how eels “do it”. Want to learn more? Check out this article!

11 Best Freshwater Varieties to keep as Pets

Now that freshwater aquarium eels have got all your attention, it’s time to dig a little more about the top 12 types of eels you can keep as pets. We have a video below from our YouTube Channel. If you like our content, be sure to subscribe as we post new videos every week! We will go into more detail in the blog post below.

Let’s revamp your aquarium with my top recommendations.

1. Freshwater Moray

  • Scientific Name: Muraenidae
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Shy and semi-aggressive fish
  • Adult Size: 6– 150 inches in length (7.6 – 400 cm)
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 15-30 gallon tank
  • Diet: Carnivore, Prefer live food, such as brine shrimp, earthworms
  • Origin: Tropical and Temperate Waters
  • Temperature: 24 – 28°C / 75 – 82°F
  • pH: 7.0 to 9.0
  • Difficulty to breed: Almost impossible in a tank
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible

If I would have to name one risky freshwater aquarium eel, it has to be the freshwater moray eel (video source). Not because they are a difficult or aggressive fish, but due to their finicky nature. Moray eels are easily stressed if not provided with the right environment. Therefore, if you’re a busy fishkeeper or a novice, I suggest you look out for other options.

Habitat and Water Conditions

The origin of freshwater moray eels stems from the saltwater of tropical and subtropical regions, where there are coral reefs in abundance. Freshwater morays are secretive in nature and prefer hiding in the rocks.

Most of moray eels live in saltwater environments. However, some are found in brackish water and certain species of eel are found in freshwaters. That being said, Moray eels can be quite sensitive to freshwaters. Therefore, extensive experience is required to keep them as pets.


Your first impression of Moray eels would be a scary one. With their snake-like appearance and a long, slender body with the absence of pectoral fins, patterned bodies, and sharp teeth, the first look of Moray eels is no good.

However, it’s still a popular choice of aquarium fish among many enthusiastic aquarists because of their behavior.


Hobbyists adore freshwater moray eels for their peculiar behaviors such as team hunting, adaptability, snake-like swimming capability, and sneaky nature that provide an outstanding spectacle in your aquarium.

I understand it can be overwhelming to keep a moray eel in your home aquarium considering their size and extra demanding nature, but they are an absolute treat for your display tanks once their basic needs are met.

2. Fire

Fire Eel in driftwood
  • Scientific Name: Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive fish
  • Adult Size: 20 inches (60.8 cm)
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 80 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Origin: Southeast Asia
  • Temperature: 75-82° F
  • pH: 6.8-7.2
  • Difficulty to breed: Difficult
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible with floating plants

Although not true eels, fire eels make a beautiful freshwater aquarium fish that you cannot resist. With over 20 inches in length, the fire eel is a distinctive yet huge breed that requires maximum space in your aquariums.


The fire eel is native to South Asia. They are usually found in the lowland rivers of Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, and Sumatra.


The fire eels range from dark gray to dull black in color with striking red and yellow horizontal stripes, extending from the head to the tail. The markings on the eel are like that of fire flames painted on a hot rod. Hence, the name.

Adult Size

In the wild, the size of fire eels is much bigger than in captivity. And so, you can expect a fire eel to reach a length of around 3 feet or longer. However, in captivity, they can get about 20 inches long, making them the largest species of spiny eels in the aquarium world.

Due to their big size, they need a bigger space with at least a 55-gallon tank size and water temperature should be around 76°F with a neutral pH.


Fire eels are usually shy and prefer to stay aloof most of the time. They are also bottom dwellers, burrowing in the sand. To cater to this behavior, I suggest using sand as a substrate in your aquarium so that they don’t harm their slender bodies.

Also, like most freshwater aquarium eels, these eels are nocturnal, meaning they are the most active during nighttime. However, you can train your interesting pets to come out during the day to feed and hunt.

A fire eel likes to feed and swim around during the night. If you keep the room and tank dimly lit, your pet fire eel might come out more often during the day.

As far as the plants are concerned, these types of eels are messy and voracious eaters. Therefore rooted plants are not suitable for their tank. Hence, keep floating plants to keep them happy.


Fire eel is a particularly peaceful fish that remain content in its provided space. However, eels, by nature are predatory creatures, and so your fire eel might be dangerous to other smaller freshwater fish. The best tank mates for your eels are:

  1. Angelfish
  2. Medium-to-large Barbs
  3. Green terror
  4. Oscar fish


Fire eels, in their natural habitat munch on live food that is accessible to them. Be it small crabs, brine shrimp, insects, snails, or worms. In captivity, things are no different. These eels enjoy live food, including bloodworms, small fish, mussels, live shrimp, and tubifex.

3. Peacock Eel

  • Scientific Name: Macrognathus siamensis
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Adult Size: 11.8 inches (29.97 cm)
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 35 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Origin:Southeast Asia
  • Temperature: 73.0 to 82.0° F
  • pH: 6.0-8.0
  • Difficulty to breed: difficult to breed
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible with floating plants

If you’re low on space, peacock eels are just for you!

Many fish stores stock peacock eels because of their increasing demand. However, if you don’t happen to find one, fret not. A peacock eel goes by many names, including striped peacock eel, Siamese spiny eel, and spot-finned spiny eels.


The peacock eels originate from slow-flowing, stagnant bodies of water in Southeast Asia, mainly in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Sumatra, and Malaysia. However, they are commonly found in the Mekong, Chao Phraya, and Maeklong river basins. Their native environment allows them to enjoy plant and animal life in abundance. Hence, peacock eels are quite manageable, if their basic needs are met.


Like other eel species, the peacock eels possess an elongated body with a dark brown back and light brown flanks. As compared to the entire body, the stomach of this spiny eel is much lighter. From the snout to the caudal fin, peacock eels showcase a fine yellow line that looks adds to their grace. The dorsal and caudal fins of the peacock eels feature five eyespots.

Depending on the nature of their environment, they can grow around 15 centimeters (6 inches) in captivity. However, in their natural habitat, peacock eels can grow up t0 12 inches in length (30 cm long).

Tank Setup

These small eel-like fish should be housed in an aquarium of around 21 inches in length and a 20-gallon tank. But when they grow bigger, shift them to a bigger aquarium with a capacity of around 40 gallons or more.

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Peacock eels are brackish freshwater aquarium eels that prefer some salt in their aquarium. Therefore, I recommend adding one teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water to the fish tank.


Peacock eels are like your introverted friends that take some time before getting all comfy. Therefore, at first, your eel-like fish might feel distant and aloof, but over time, when their environment is well-suited, they will become very friendly.

The native environment of peacock eels is densely populated with plants. Therefore, an aquarium with plenty of plants, PVC pipes, and hidden or sheltered spots created by rocks and woods is recommended to keep this eel-like fish happy.


Peacock eels are highly selective and moody when it comes to food. There are days when this small fish would take anything and days when nothing pleases it. However, these fish species are nocturnal and forage for food at night. Their favorite diet includes worms, larvae, live brine shrimp, blood worms, and mosquito larvae.


Peacock eels are calm creatures that mind their own business, provided the tank mates are not smaller fish that can be mistaken for food.

The compatible tank mates for peacock eels are:

  1. Hatchetfish
  2. Rainbowfish
  3. Larger Rasboras
  4. Swordtail Fish

4. Starry Night

  • Scientific Name: Mastacembelus frenatus
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive fish
  • Adult Size: at least 15 inches in length
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 60 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore, feeds on insects, small fish, and crustaceans in the wild. Will typically accept frozen foods
  • Origin: Wild Central Africa
  • Temperature: 76-82° F
  • pH:  6.8  – 7.8
  • Difficulty to breed: Difficult
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible

If you’re looking for a small, hardy fish, the African starry night eel is your go-to pet for home aquariums.


These freshwater aquarium eels are found in Central Africa, ranging from the Congo River basin to various Rift lakes in the surrounding regions, including the flowing rivers of Tanzania.


Unlike other freshwater aquarium eels, the starry night eel is hardy and extroverted in nature, making a graceful appearance in your tanks every now and then. However, like most spiny eel species, starry nights are slow eaters. Thus, always ensure the amount of food they get is sufficient to meet their needs. In the wild, they like to munch on small fish, plant matter, and aquatic invertebrates. However, in captivity, starry night eels readily accept meaty food such as frozen krill, nightcrawlers, and frozen bloodworms.


The starry night eels are small to medium-sized fish that grow up to 15 inches in length and possess a variable color pattern. The most common color of starry night eels is brown with a variable blotched pattern.

Tank Setup

These freshwater aquarium eels thrive in water temperatures of around 73°F to 80°F, a pH of 7.8 to 8.4, and a hardness of 7 to 30°H.

The tank capacity should be at least 30 gallons or larger to accommodate a juvenile starry night eel happily. A larger tank around 55 to 75 gallons is optimum for these eels like fish. Furthermore, the tank should be well-planted with high-quality sand substrate, and lots of hiding places. For example driftwood, rock caves, and PVC pipes.

The tank should be dimly lit and the water flow should be sluggish to motivate these bottom dwellers to venture out of their caves. Most importantly, a tight-fitting lid should be installed to avoid accidents.


Starry night eels make a very peaceful community, so they get along with other fish really well. However, the size of the fish should be taken into consideration. For starry night eels, larger fish make great tank mates.

  1. Rainbowfish
  2. Peaceful cichlids
  3. Large peaceful catfish

5. Tire Track

  • Scientific Name: Mastacembelus armatus
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive fish
  • Adult Size: at least 30 inches in length
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 125 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore, Predator, feeds on insects, fish, and crustaceans in the wild. Will accept frozen foods but can be finicky at first.
  • Origin: Wild Thailand
  • Temperature: 76-82° F
  • pH:  7.0  – 8.2
  • Difficulty to breed: Difficult
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible

Before getting your hands on the tire track eel, beware; these eel-like fish can get ginormous. (up to 30 inches in length)


The tire track eel are a popular species of eel that are found in river systems throughout most South Asian regions, such as Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. They originate from shallow, slow-moving waters, including rivers, South Asian swamp, and flooded forests.


These freshwater aquarium eels are close cousins of Zig zag eels that are also from Asia. They are quite identical because of their distinct, irregular dark black markings. Therefore, the common name of tire track eel is derived from its distinctive color pattern on either side of the eel that resembles the tire.


These eel-like fish are semi-aggressive but very personable and intelligent that recognize their owners well. They feed on live food, such as earthworms and frozen foods. Since they double in size in a short time period, it is recommended to keep them with large tank mates.

6. Yellow Tail Spiny

  • Scientific Name: Macrognathus pancalus
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive fish
  • Adult Size: at least 7.1 inches in length, 18 cm
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 125 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore, Predator, feeds on insects, fish, and crustaceans in the wild. Will accept frozen foods but can be finicky at first
  • Origin: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan
  • Temperature: 73-81° F
  • pH: 7.0-8.5
  • Difficulty to breed: Difficult
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible

If you want to keep tankmates with your eels, your search ends at yellowtail spiny eel. Only the smallest creatures can fit in the mouths of yellowtail eel, such as ornamental freshwater shrimp. Therefore, they make great community tank fish.

Originating from the heavily vegetated canals, ponds, and sluggish streams of rivers, these freshwater aquarium eels bring peace and tranquility to your tanks.

They grow only six to seven inches in length and feed on live food, such as worms, frozen, and freeze-dried food. They are very shy at first, but once they get a hold of the environment, they get comfortable and personable with their owners and tankmates.

The tank of these eel-like fish should have sand substrate so they can dig and bury themselves in the hiding places. Hence, adding secretive places such as rocky caves, PVC pipes, and driftwood is highly recommended.

7. Half Banded Spiny

  • Scientific Name: Macrognathus circumcinctus
  • Difficulty Level: Moderately difficult
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive fish
  • Adult Size: at least 7.9 inches (19.99 cm)
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 35 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Origin: Asia, Mekong and Chao Phraya basins, southeastern Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Indonesia
  • Temperature: 75.0 to 82.0° F
  • pH:  6.0  –7.0
  • Difficulty to breed: Difficult
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible

Half-banded spiny eels (video source) are found in Asia, particularly in Mekong, Chao Phraya, Thailand, Malay, Sumatra, and Indonesia. Other common names of these species are Belted spiny eels or Large eels.

Like most eels, their bodies are elongated with a pointed snout and the dorsal and anal fins extend back to the very small caudal fin. Half-banded spiny eel grows around 8 inches and can fit in a medium-sized aquarium with a lifespan of over 5-10 years. In some rare cases, half-banded eels live up to 15 years and longer, if taken care of.

8. Senegalus

  • Scientific Name: Polypterus senegalus
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive fish
  • Adult Size: at least 20 inches in length
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 90 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Origin: African countries, including the major Nile River system; these countries include Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal
  • Temperature: 75-82° F
  • pH:  6.2 – 7.8
  • Difficulty to breed: Difficult
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible

The Polypterus eels (video source), commonly called Reed fish, Dinasaur eels, Bichir, or swamp eels originate from heavily vegetated water systems in Africa and India. They are very common in the native lands that they are mostly found in ditches.

The Polypterus senegalus eels have jagged dorsal fins, protruding nostrils, and pointed teeth, it’s no wonder why they’re called the swamp dragon.

The most interesting trait of Polypterus eels is their ability to stay out of water for some time because of their primitive lungs and swim bladder.

Therefore, if you want your share of prehistoric dinosaur that is both hardy and interesting, the Polypterus eels would make great pets for you.

9. Bichir

Bichir Fish
  • Scientific Name: Polypteridae
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Calm
  • Adult Size: at least 9.8 inches in length
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 50 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Origin: Freshwater basins in Africa and India
  • Temperature: 75.2-78.8 °F
  • pH:  6.5 – 8.0
  • Difficulty to breed: Difficult
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible

Bichirs are not true eels, instead, they are a family of freshwater ray-finned fishes that resemble eels so much. Bichirs are popular, fancy aquarium fishes inhabiting our planet for a very long time. They are usually found in the freshwater basins of Africa and India, where the water is muddy and silted bottom. Bichirs have a poor sense of sight but they can navigate freely in brackish waters due to their excellent sense of smell.

The maximum length of Bichirs in the wild is around 39 inches. However, in captivity, they are much smaller fish, measuring around 9.8 inches.

The body of Bichirs is covered with flexible scales that look like diamonds. The skin is very strong, protecting the fish from predators. Also, if the skin remains moist, Bichirs can stay out of water for quite some time.

Bichirs are hardy fish with leg like appendages that doesn’t demand any attention and care. They can even live in dirty water. Therefore, the only difficulty while keeping them in home aquariums is their ability to prey. To cater to this, always place them with tank mates larger than Bichirs, and you’re good to go.

10. African Ropefish (Erpetoichthys Calabaricus)

  • Scientific Name: Erpetoichthys calabaricus
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Adult Size: at least 15 inches in length
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 45 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Origin: Western Africa, Congo, Angola, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Benin.
  • Temperature: 76-82° F
  • pH:  7.0  – 7.6
  • Difficulty to breed: Difficult
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible

African Ropefish (video from Fluval Aquatics) is a stunning eel-like fish found in Western Africa and collected in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Benin.

It lives in shallow, densely vegetated waters. Therefore, it is recommended to set up an aquarium with aquatic plants and a soft substrate with pieces of driftwood to form hiding places for your African ropefish.

African ropefish are not territorial. Therefore, a peaceful community fish that gets along with fish larger than their size, including Synodontis species, larger characins, and cichlids such as Severum, Angelfish, some Tilapia species, etc.

11. Snowflake (Indian Mud Moray Eel)

Indian Mud Moray Eel
  • Scientific Name: Echidna nebulosa
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Semi-Aggressive fish
  • Adult Size: at least 23.6 inches in length
  • Minimum Tank Size: at least 30 gallons
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Origin: Coastal Indo-west-Pacific: Andaman Islands, Bangladesh, Hawaii, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.
  • Temperature: 75-82° F
  • pH:  7.5 – 8.5
  • Difficulty to breed: Difficult
  • Planted tank suitability: Possible with caution

The freshwater snowflake eel is often confused with Echidna Nebulosa (Fully marine eel, colloquially known as Snowflake Moray).

Snowflakes eels (image source from webwetmedia) are found across coastal regions of the Indo-West-Pacific, starting from India to the Philippines, and then to Indonesia.

These nocturnal predators are found in muddy brackish estuaries and marine waters, only migrating into freshwater to spawn. Unfortunately, because this species is sometimes found in freshwater during the breeding season, it has been marketed erroneously in the trade for many years as the “Freshwater Moray Eel”, when actually it requires brackish or full marine conditions long-term, as it’s visits to freshwaters are only very temporary.

This large bottom-dweller requires a spacious aquarium with a soft sand substrate in which it can forage about for food and wallow. There should be a multitude of hiding places amongst rocky caves, pvc tubes, and salt-tolerant plants. Filtration should be efficient with areas of moderate water movement, and some quieter resting areas out of the current. Frequent partial water changes are essential to keep nitrate to a minimum.

Be sure to use a quality marine salt for water changes, and monitor salinity carefully with a hydrometer. Indian Mud Moray Eels are highly predatory, feeding on fish (even fairly large ones) in the wild. However, they may be kept in groups of their own kind in spacious aquaria, if all specimens are of roughly the same size, are added simultaneously, and are provided with at least one shelter each. We do not recommend housing with other fish species, as the eels will strike at them and most will soon be eaten.

Although their eyesight is rather poor, Indian Mud Moray eels have a keen sense of smell and can detect movement vibrations very well, quickly lunging at any potential prey. This includes the hands, so much care should be taken when carrying out maintenance on the aquarium – they are capable of giving a nasty bite! As with other moray eels, these fish have needle-like teeth and possess a second set of teeth in the throat, known as the pharyngeal jaws which assist in capturing and swallowing prey.

Although this species is not highly venomous, it does have a mildly toxic mucus coating to the mouth which can cause skin irritation if bitten. Ensure that the tank has tight fitting covers as these fish are accomplished escape artists, which can lead to their deaths. Kept under ideal conditions, the Indian Mud Moray Eel has been known to live in excess of 30 years; they will not survive for long in pure freshwater.


What kind are in freshwater?

Freshwater aquarium eels are quite popular among enthusiastic aquarists. Eels in general are saltwater species. However, a few of them, from the family Anguillidae, including European eel migrate from freshwater and spawn in the marine waters of the Sargasso Sea. The five most popular types of freshwater aquarium eels are:

1. Moray eels
2. Fire eels
3. Zig zag eel
4. Tire track eel
5. Snowflake Eel

Can you have a freshwater type as a pet?

Yes, you can have freshwater eel as a pet as long as their basic requirements, such as tank size, water parameters, and nutritional needs are met.

Can freshwater types hurt you?

Eels are not aggressive towards humans. However, they have sharp-pointed teeth that infamously hurt if they bite you.

How big does a freshwater eel get?

It depends from species to species. In captivity, the average size of an adult freshwater eel is around 8 inches to 3 feet and over.

Are there freshwater types for aquariums?

Freshwater aquarium eels can be kept in aquariums. However, the bare minimum tank size for any eel should be at least 35 gallons.

Are they aggressive?

Most freshwater aquarium eels are friendly towards tankmates of larger sizes. However, few of them such as moray eels, and fire eels are aggressive and pose a serious threat to their tankmates.

What size tank do they need?

Most freshwater aquarium eels need at least a 35-gallon tank of water to be comfortable. Other larger species may need an aquarium over 100 gallons to house long-term.

How much does a freshwater eel cost?

The cost of freshwater eel varies from species to species. However, it can cost you anywhere around $15 – $500 or more, depending on the size, species, and other characteristics.

Final Thoughts

Freshwater aquarium eels are beautiful creatures to adorn your home aquariums. Coming from freshwater rivers of South Asian regions, they are mostly peaceful and get along pretty well with tankmates of their own sizes. However, due to their finicky nature, freshwater aquarium eels might not be a great fit for novice fish keepers.

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