Rainbow Shark Care

Rainbow Shark Care – A Complete Guide to Keeping a colorful Freshwater Fish

Rainbow sharks or Ruby sharks are quirky and fun freshwater aquarium fish that are commonly found in the river basins of Thailand. Although popular, rainbow sharks are not common among novice keepers. Knowing this, I set up a complete beginner guide to give you an idea about this fish that usually prefers to stay alone.

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Dojo Loach Care

Dojo Loach Care – A Comprehensive Guide

The Dojo Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), is an awesome freshwater fish that makes a really great addition to freshwater aquariums. These eel-shaped fish have loads of personality and can be very entertaining to watch as they explore the bottom of the fish tank.

In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know about Dojo Loach care, so let’s get started!

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Freshwater Aquarium Snail

Freshwater Aquarium Snail – 7 to Buy (4 to Avoid)

Freshwater aquarium snails are common aquarium creatures that sometimes get a pretty bad rap in the hobby. There are pros and cons to keeping these inverts, but usually, there are a whole lot more benefits than drawbacks.

In this article, I’ll help you choose the right types of aquarium snails for your tank, and teach you what you need to know to keep them healthy. If you’re dealing with unwanted snails, you’ll find some great tips here too to help you keep them under control.

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Fish For A 5 Gallon Tank

Fish For A 5 Gallon Tank – 10+ Great Choices (With Pictures)

Are you looking for ideas on which fish to put in your 5-gallon tank? Choosing fish for this aquarium size can take some planning because there aren’t that many species that will do well in such a small tank.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to 13 of the best fish and shrimp species that you can keep in your 5-gallon aquarium and give you some good advice on setting up and maintaining your nano tank. So let’s get started!

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Bottom Feeder Fish

9 Of The Best Bottom Feeder Fish For Your Aquarium

In this article, we’re talking all about bottom feeders, and I don’t mean that as an insult! Bottom feeder fish fill an important role in the home aquarium. On top of that, these fascinating fish look great and often have awesome personalities too.

So let’s get started learning all about the best types of bottom-feeder fish for your aquarium and how to care for them.

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Nano Fish

Nano Fish – 21 Amazing fish (With Pictures)

One of the most popular trends in the modern fishkeeping hobby is nano fish and nano aquariums. It might sound more like robotics than aquatics, but the term nano really refers to miniature fishkeeping in small aquariums.

This is a really fascinating side of the hobby and something that all aquarists should try. In this article, I’ll provide you with all the basics you need to know about nano fishkeeping and introduce 21 amazing nano fish for your home aquarium.

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Celestial Pearl Danio Care

Celestial Pearl Danio Care Guide – A Comprehensive overview

In 2006, a photograph surfaced on tropical fish forums all over the Internet. It depicted a brightly colored nano fish, the likes of which were previously unseen. This newly discovered fish was the celestial pearl danio. With a dark blue coloring that is speckled over with iridescent spots, these quirky little swimmers blew the minds of everyone who came across the photo.

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