Keyhole Cichlid

Keyhole Cichlid – The Most UNDERRATED Dwarf Species

The Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is the most underrated fish in the hobby and also used to be difficult to find. My blog post today is to explain why its such a great fish and very much under the radar. In fact, I didn’t know much about this fish until a few months ago after I published a dwarf cichlid article and YouTube video. I’ll be updating the blog post, but learning more about this fish, it’s a better choice then a ram cichlid with its docile nature and it’s hardiness.

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Veiltail Betta Fish

Veiltail Betta Fish – A Complete Care Guide

Are you ready to take a plunge into the amazing realm of veiltail betta fish? These mesmerizing creatures are famous for their glorious colors and unique fins that billow like a bridal veil. To ensure your Betta fish can thrive, it’s essential to give them proper care and attention. We will help you provide an ideal home environment with this post, which covers the characteristics, behavior, & requirements of these pretty fish!

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Albino Bristlenose Pleco

Albino Bristlenose Pleco – A Complete Care Guide

Are you looking for a unique and easy to care fish to add to your aquarium? The Albino Bristlenose Pleco is the perfect choice! Not only are they beautiful with their albino coloring, but these plecos are also hardy creatures that will provide interesting activity. This blog post gives details about how to care for them, what diet works best, and even provides insight into breeding possibilities. Dive in now and learn everything there is to know about the Albino Bristlenose Pleco!

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Types Of Blennies

15+ Types Of Blennies (That You Can Keep In Your Tank)

Ask any saltwater hobbyist and you’ll find that one of their favorite fish belongs to the blenny family. Marine blennies are small yet full of personality and color that bring excitement to the lower portions of any reef tank. Not only are these fish the perfect size for any aquarium setup, but they are perfectly happy with almost any species of reef fish. They’re fun and easy to keep and might even clean up some nuisance algae along the way.

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Iridescent Shark

Iridescent Shark Care Guide: Tank Mates, Housing, and Feeding

Have you seen an Iridescent Shark at your local fish store? They usually are cute and at the store. However, they get massive and the vast majority of aquarist will not be able to keep them. This is an article much like the Redtail catfish I create on this blog so I educate others about how inappropriate they are for most tank setups.

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