Here Are The Top 12 Smallest Goldfish (With Pictures!)

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If you’re in search of the smallest goldfish for your compact tank, you’ve come to the right place. This article lists the top breeds that don’t just fit in—they thrive in smaller aquatic environments. Get ready to explore options that celebrate size in small packages, tailored for limited spaces.

Key Takeaways

  • The smallest goldfish varieties, like Pompon or Bubble Eye goldfish, are ideal for medium sized tanks, offering a diverse range of colors, shapes, and need specific care for their vibrant looks and delicate health
  • Even though considered small for their species, all goldfish require ample space (at least 20 gallons per fish), high water quality, a stable temperature, and it have peaceful, slow-moving tank mates.
  • Goldfish care involves more than just feeding; they require regular water changes, a good filtration system, and a tank free from sharp objects that can harm their unique features.

Top 12 Smallest Goldfish Breeds

While most types of goldfish are admittedly large and more suited for larger aquariums, these fish listed on this list are some of the smallest breeds you can find.

Note that there is not a smaller breed listed for slim-bodied goldfish. Slim-bodied goldfish do get longer than the fancy varieties and have larger tank requirements. Stick to fancy breeds if you have a smaller tank or plan to keep your fish in an aquariums versus a pond. Slim-bodied goldfish make excellent choices for ponds either on their own or with Koi fish.

1. Pom Pom

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 4 – 6 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Ball-shaped nasal growth

The Pompom Goldfish is certainly a peculiar sight with their adorable ball-like growths on top of their nose. Given their delicate nasal septas, you should make sure that they are kept away from any kind of danger and sharp objects that may harm them.

These friendly creatures prefer to be around companions so it’s best if multiple goldfish live together as swimming in groups encourages their activity levels.

2. Bubble Eye

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 3 – 5 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Huge bubble eyes

Introducing the Bubble Eye Goldfish, a captivating breed that stands out for its peculiar physical characteristics. This type of goldfish can be up to five inches long and their hues range from solid red to fascinating two-tone combinations – giving your aquarium an eye-catching splash of color! They also have bubble sacs located below their eyes adding more uniqueness.

It is important to note that Bubble Eyes need extra care in order for them to stay healthy since they are quite fragile creatures. Make sure you provide everything these fish require so as not neglecting any vital aspect in terms of nourishment and water quality if you want them swimming around with vigor all year round!

3. Pearlscale

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: Up to 8 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Golfball-shaped body, with prominent domed scales

Pearlscale Goldfish is a fantastic pick for aspiring goldfish hobbyists. These gentle fish are known for their signature pearl-like scale patterns and can grow up to can average of 4 – 5 inches in size. As one of the delicate fancy varieties, these beautiful creatures require special care when it comes to water conditions inside an aquarium if you want them to thrive.

Their scales create a golfball like texture. The breed can also include single or double tails.

4. Celestial Eye

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 5 – 6 inches
  • Color Pattern: Orange, white, or orange and white
  • Unique Traits: Upward-facing eyes and no dorsal fin

The Celestial Eye Goldfish is quite the handful when it comes to upkeep, their eyes point upwards and require dim illumination for protection from damage. Their environment should have excellent water quality at all times, as they are a delicate species and don’t fare well in unstable atmospheres.

Having peaceful tank mates will ensure that your pet has minimal stress. Not only do these fish offer an intriguing look, but can really set off any aquarium design you may create with them around! They are best housed in environments with lots of open space and smooth decor, like silk artificial plants, as their eyes are easily injured.

5. Veiltail

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 8 – 12 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Extra-long tail with square edge and sail-like dorsal fin

Beauty and elegance are embodied in a Veiltail Goldfish, renowned for its flowing fins. There are an American created breed, first introduced to the aquarium trade in the 1890s.

This would be considered one of the hardier varieties of fancies you can purchase. It’s also one of the originals given how long it has been breed. It is the largest goldfish on this list, but has been know to live in smaller environments and live a very long time.

6. Butterfly

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 5 – 8 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Butterfly-shaped double tail and telescope eyes

Desired by goldfish aficionados, butterfly tail goldfish are a small type of fish that can bring natural beauty into your home if they receive the correct care.

With their spectacular tails resembling those of butterflies, these little creatures come in a variety of patterns, including calico. They come with a high dorsal fin and will also have telescope eyes. It’s one of the more unique looking breeds out there.

7. Eggfish

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 6 – 8 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Egg-shaped body

A special breed of fancy goldfish, the Eggfish Goldfish has an oblong shape with no dorsal fin and is considered a luxury item. These peaceful fish should be kept in tanks alongside slower-moving tankmates. Despite their costliness, these beautiful creatures are sure to bring delight to any aquarium they grace!

8. Ranchu

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 6 – 8 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Lack of dorsal fin and highly arched and rounded body

Ranchu Goldfish are highly valued and resilient despite their delicate nature. Adaptable to a variety of tankmates in clean water conditions, they make for ideal aquatic companions if kept in smaller aquariums. Noted for its rounded back and large head with fleshy features, the Ranchu Goldfish is an attractive addition to any home setup.

9. Lionhead Goldfish

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 6 – 8 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Known for its pronounced “wen” or head growth that covers the top of the head and gill plates

The Lionhead Goldfish is a type of small fish distinguished by its exceptional raspberry-like protrusion atop the head. They are an interesting novelty to have in your aquarium, but not recommended for inexperienced aquarists since they require special care and attention.

These particular goldfish guarantee to draw interest when guests come over, who can resist such unique creatures?

10. Telescope Goldfish

Black-moor-goldfish in aquarium
  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 6 – 8 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Large protruding eyes that resemble telescopes

The Telescope Goldfish, related to its comet goldfish family, is a resilient and adaptive small breed with big eyes that need extra attention. If you’re looking for something new in your petite aquarium tank setup then the hardy telescope goldfish might be just what you’re after! One thing to note is that they are one of the more delicate goldfish varieties due to their sensitive eyes.

11. Fantail Goldfish

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 6 – 8 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Split caudal or tail fin that forms its fan shape

Featuring a distinct, beautiful forked tail and round shape, the Fancy Tail Goldfish is sure to bring life and energy into any aquarium. Their sociability enables them to not only coexist with other fish, but thrive in their presence as well! Fantail Goldfish can be caught. Be kept on their own or even within groups of tankmates – making these lively creatures an ideal addition no matter what type of setup you choose.

12. Oranda Goldfish

  • Goldfish Type: Fancy
  • Adult Size: 6 – 8 inches
  • Color Pattern: Various
  • Unique Traits: Known for its wen that covers the head. Body is deep and rounded similar to a Ryukin

Finally, the Oranda Goldfish is a fragile breed which has a protrusion on its head. Their tanks must be managed properly and they need compatible fish mates to stay healthy. As such, adding this ornate species to your little aquarium will undoubtedly give it sophistication.

Other Considerations

While these goldfish breed didn’t make the list, you can definitely consider them:

  • Celestial goldfish
  • Ryukin goldfish
  • Tosakin goldfish
  • Shubunkin goldfish (for outdoor ponds)

Understanding Their Characteristics

When diving into the depths of tiny goldfish breeds, it’s like unearthing a trove of dazzling colors and captivating shapes. Among these aquatic jewels are two varieties – Slim-bodied and Fancy goldfish – known for their compatibility with small aquariums as well as distinct characteristics that make them stand out from other fish in this environment.


From body shape to swimming habits, each breed has its own needs when being cared for. Yet all share attributes such as size appropriateness for aquaria, making it possible to appreciate different traits across multiple kinds of small goldfish breeds without taking up too much space!

Size And Growth Potential

The amazing thing about small goldfish breeds is their size and potential to grow. In spite of being so tiny for a goldfish they still get large for a freshwater fish.

Their growth depends on tank maintenance, food quality and water conditions: thus providing an appropriate habitat is essential for these little fellows’ flourishing. Unfortunately enough, if those mini fish are held in confined aquariums, this could potentially stunt their development rate.

Appearance And Color Patterns

Goldfish breeds, especially those of small sizes, can be captivating in their diversity. Each has its own characteristics like the Celestial Goldfish’s pointed eyes and tall head growth on an Oranda, long fins with a Veiltail breed, or delicate Bubble Eye goldfish pouches. All these features make them interesting to watch and visually appealing.

In terms of coloration, we are presented with spectacles from metallic red to bright yellow as well as a range that goes from solid through calico patterns along all goldfish species, including Bubble Eyes, which stand out among other members of this family.

Small goldfish have managed to maintain variety between each type due exclusively to their uniqueness when compared not only within different individual breeds but also throughout many varieties, showcasing multiple nuances that make them desirable for aquariums around the world!

Care Requirements

Small goldfish breeds demand more than just an aquarium and some food. Special attention is required for them to be healthy and grow properly. The quality of their living environment is essential in this matter. They must have at least 20 gallons of water, regular replacement with fresh treated H2O, a reliable filter system, and a suitable temperature (between 60°F – 70°F).

Diet-wise, they should alternate between live foods, pellets plus flakes so that their health stays optimal alongside their spirits lifted, Common Goldfish might seem common but tending to these fish calls for exceptional care measures!

Tank Setup and Maintenance

Keep small goldfish breeds healthy and happy requires special care when setting up and managing their tank. From sizing the aquarium to maintaining water quality, there is a lot of planning involved in creating an ideal environment for your little fish friends.

Your setup should include selecting proper filtration systems and decorations that won’t harm delicate creatures or cause potential dangers within the confines of your pet’s home. It’s important to monitor levels such as pH regularly throughout all stages of maintenance and adjustment – not just during setup!

Tank Size Recommendations

It’s best to provide a 20-30 gallon tank for your small goldfish, as this allows them ample room in which to swim and prevents overcrowding issues that could cause distress or illness. While you may initially think 10 gallons is sufficient, the larger size will prove more beneficial for their well being.

Water Conditions And Filtration

Caring for small goldfish means regularly checking water pH and ammonia levels, along with making sure that the temperature is in range of 68° to 74°F. A reliable filter system should also be used to keep pollutants from accumulating and consequently harming aquatic life. Maintaining a balanced environment within these parameters helps ensure that your pet stays healthy throughout its lifetime.

Decoration And Hiding Places

Creating an environment conducive to your small goldfish’s health requires more than just decorations. Offering secure and suitable hiding spots and selecting pleasing décor for the tank can make a world of difference for your little fish.

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Including plants, rocks or maybe some fun accessories will not only give the aquarium an attractive look, but also be essential in creating a healthy habitat that is stimulating and comfortable for its inhabitant.

Choosing Compatible Tank Mates

When deciding on which tank mates to house with your small goldfish, it is as important as the size of the aquarium and monitoring water quality. Though these mini fish seem uncomplicated, choosing an inappropriate partner can cause distress and even lead to death. The following tips should help you select suitable companions for your little swimmers.

Peaceful And Slow Swimming Fish

When caring for small goldfish, it is wise to choose peaceful and slower-moving tank mates. These fish are not likely to fight with the Goldfish over food or space in the aquarium, making a healthy aquatic environment.

Good companions include:

All these species can live harmoniously together in one ecosystem when they meet basic requirements such as proper dieting and water parameters of pH level maintenance.

Avoiding Aggressive Companions

It is of the utmost importance to stay away from fish which display aggressive or quickly moving behaviour, as this could cause distress and injury for your small goldfish. Certain species like:

With Betta Fish, the goldfish will actually harass and possibility even eat the Betta!

Monitoring And Adjusting Tank Dynamics

Goldfish are generally messy creatures and are hard on your bioload. Because of this, it’s important to monitor your tank parameters such as ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.

Other things to watch out for are pH and temperature. You can monitor your temperature with a thermometer or use an aquarium controller to keep your temperature stable. You can also use test kits to monitor the other parameters in your tank.


While still large compared to other tropical fish available, it is possible to find smaller goldfish that you can place in a reasonably sized aquarium. If you want to keep a smaller tank, it is usually a better idea to opt for small fish instead. Either way, I have some FAQs to help you out on your journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a dwarf goldfish?

A specific type of small-sized goldfish, Carassius praecipuus, native to central Laos, has recently been identified. This species can be distinguished by its diminutive size. With other varieties of the same fish.

What is the smallest size goldfish tank?

For the best possible environment for goldfish, it is recommended to obtain a 20-gallon tank at minimum. As they grow in size and number, you may need an even bigger aquarium such as one that holds 50 gallons of water or more, up to 100 gallon tanks are available.

It’s important not to overlook how ammonia buildup can stress out fish living conditions. Hence, offering them enough space where they can thrive comfortably should be taken into consideration when setting up their home.

What is the lifespan of a mini goldfish?

Given the right environment, such as a pond or aquarium, mini goldfish have a potential lifespan of up to 20 years. If kept in an undersized bowl, their life expectancy is drastically reduced – usually only lasting 3-9 months due to poor water quality and space limitations.

Can you buy small goldfish?

You can purchase small goldfish from pet shops at different costs, with rarer species coming with a greater price tag. Prices of these fish may range anywhere between $5 and $100.

How big do small goldfish usually get?

Small goldfish breeds usually remain on the small side, typically reaching a size of 2-6 inches. Among them, Pompon Goldfish are especially miniature at an average length of only 5 inches. Consequently, they don’t get very big in general.

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