Blackwater Aquarium

Blackwater Aquarium – 6 Fish Types (And How To Setup)

These conditions can be found in various aquatic habitats, including blackwater rivers, swamps, and floodplains. Blackwater fish are often brightly colored and have distinctive patterns, and they are popular among aquarists for their beauty and the unique challenges of keeping them in captivity.

Blackwater fish are acid-loving freshwater fish that typically prefer water with an acidic pH of 6.5 or lower, and they require a specialized diet that includes live or frozen foods. They also require a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding places and good filtration to maintain water quality.

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What Do Fish Eat

What Do Fish Eat – 3 Types OF Diets (And 7 Types Of Foods)

With over 30,000 fish species discovered1, with each having its own dietary requirements, you need to pay attention to what foods you can feed your fish and how many alternatives can be introduced to their menu.

In this article, I will help you understand different types of fish foods, their benefits, and what species are best to consider for what foods. So make sure you stick around till the end. Let’s learn about what do fish eat exactly and what works best for them!

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Betta Fish Losing Color

Is Your Betta Fish Losing Color? – Here’s 7 reasons why

Your Betta Fish losing color is stressful to your fish and to you as a pet owner. There are several reasons why it may happen. One common cause is stress. Betta fish are sensitive creatures and can become stressed in response to a variety of stimuli. Changes in their environment, such as moving to a new tank or introducing new tankmates, can be stressful for bettas. Poor water quality, such as high levels of ammonia or chlorine, can also cause stress in bettas. Stress can manifest in a variety of ways, including a loss of color.

In this article, we will discuss 7 common reasons why your betta might be losing color.

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Dinosaur Bichir

Dinosaur Bichir – A Complete Care Guide

Dinosaur bichir are a type of ray-finned fish that are native to Africa. These fish are known for their distinctive appearance, with elongated bodies and armored scales that give them a reptilian appearance.

They are also known for their hardy nature and adaptability, which has made them popular among aquarium hobbyists. Dinosaur bichir are generally peaceful and can be kept with a variety of compatible tankmates, making them a good choice for a community tank.

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Aquarium Water Hardness

All About Aquarium Water Hardness (And How to Lower — and Increase It)

Do you know the difference between hard and soft water? Aquarium water chemistry can be pretty intimidating for beginner fish keepers, but it’s really important to know the basics.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the technical terms, but don’t worry, you don’t need a lab coat and goggles for this lesson – we’re going to break it down super simple in this beginner’s guide!

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How Do Eels Reproduce

How Do Eels Reproduce? (Hint – Nobody Knows How!)

In the scientific community, the longest and probably the most interesting mystery has always been the reproduction of eels. The species were considered to be devoid of testicles, which meant they couldn’t create offspring.

But before jumping onto that, let’s learn what eels are, where they come from, how they reproduce, and how the fancy inventions of different equipment in the scientific world made it easier for scholars to solve this riddle. Let’s start our journey to answering the question of how do eels reproduce by asking our first question…

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African Cichlid Tank Mates

African Cichlid Tank Mates (7 Great Choices)

Are you looking to add some variety and ‘oomph’ to your African cichlid tank? With the right companions, an African cichlid tank can provide a vibrant display of unique colors, life-like behavior, and fun interactions. Check out the top 7 ideal tank mates for your African cichlids―all of which are sure to make any fish enthusiast smile! Each companion has been researched and vetted in order to ensure that they fit well with African cichlids while taking into account their specific needs so that you have peace of mind knowing your fish will have a safe environment in which to thrive.

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Most Expensive Betta Fish

Most Expensive Betta Fish (Top 10 With Photos)

Betta fish are one of the most popular ornamental fish in the world. You’ve probably seen them for sale in your local pet store for a few bucks each, but did you know that they can cost a lot more? These are wonderful fish that make excellent pets, but they are also big business for some breeders, with the most expensive fish fetching over $1500!

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