Otocinclus Catfish

Otocinclus Catfish Care – A Complete Guide

Are you thinking of adding an otocinclus catfish to your tank? If so, you’ll want to read this complete guide on how to care for them. In this article, we’ll cover everything from what they eat to how to make your tank perfect for these little fish. So whether you’re a first-time fish keeper or just want to learn more about otocinclus catfish care, keep reading!

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Types Of Platy Fish

Types Of Platy Fish – 15 to try (With Pictures!)

One of the most popular types of fish for home aquariums is the platy. There are many types of platy fish available in the hobby with a range of colors and patterns. They range from bright colors, to dark, from plain to metallic looking. If you’re looking to add a platy to your tank, take a look at some of the options below. We’ve included pictures (and even videos!) so you can get an idea of what each type looks like. Let’s get started!

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Dwarf Cichlid Types

Dwarf Cichlid Types – Top 7 (With Pictures!)

Dwarf cichlids are a popular fish kept by many fish enthusiasts. They are colorful, small, and thrive in community tanks. There are many different types of dwarf cichlids, each with its own personality and requirements. In this blog post, we will cover the top 7 dwarf cichlid types and provide pictures for each one. We hope you find this information helpful!

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Rummy Nose Tetra

Rummy Nose Tetra – Everything you wanted to know

The Rummy nose tetra is a beautiful freshwater fish that is easy to keep, breed, and care for. The common name for Rummy nose tetra in the aquarium world is brilliant rummy nose tetra, red nose tetra, and Firehead tetra. It has bright red heads with horizontal stripes of black and white tail, resembling the fire flames. In this article, we are going to cover everything about Rummy nose tetra.

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Betta Fish Laying On Bottom Of Tank

Betta Fish Laying On Bottom Of Tank -12 Reasons Why (And How To Fix It!)

Betta Fish laying on bottom of tanks can be one of the scariest things a new betta keeper can experience. After all, it’s usually a telltale sign something is wrong with your fish. That’s not always the case with Betta fish though. There could be multiple reasons why (some good and some bad). Today’s articles talked about the reasons and how to fix the issue if it’s for a bad reason.

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