Algae Scrubber Vs The World (Algae Reactor, Biopellets, GFO, Cheato, Fuges)

Algae scrubbers are finally starting to pick up mainstream acceptance in the Reefkeeping community! As someone who has advocated, for many years it great to see them more widely accepted. There is still a lot of skepticism in the industry though and many store still push other products and solution. I created this article below so you can see the differences between an Algae Scrubber (AKA Algae Turf Scrubber) and other solutions like there. Let’s get started.

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Blue Hippo Tang

The Blue Hippo Tang and Finding Dory – What You Need to Know About A Blue Tang in a Saltwater Aquarium

As a responsible aquarist, I seek again to provide this learning opportunity to parents and children about the “Dory Fish” AKA Blue Tang.  With the new Finding Dory movie coming out, there will be a large demand to have this fish in home aquariums and there is a whole lot more to educate new comers into the hobby about Dory. 

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Top 5 Free Reef Hobbyist Magazines

Top 5 Free Reef Hobbyist Magazines

The saltwater aquarium hobby is a passionate hobby that is filled with a ton of information. Some of this information can seem conflicting, especially on forums. We tend to recommend checking out hobbyist clubs and magazines. The reason why is because hobbyist clubs allow you to personally connect with other peers in the hobby and get mentor-ships and group collaborate.  Magazines are a great resource because the articles are written by top notch writers and researchers in the hobby. Below we outlined a list of the Top 5 Reef Hobbyist Magazines that are free to anyone in the hobby

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