Planted Aquarium

The Secrets To Keeping A Planted Aquarium (An Aquascaper’s Approach)

Planted aquariums are a great way to add life and color to your home. They can give a sense of tranquility in an otherwise busy space, and they also provide a utopia for fish giving them the most ideal environment. But maintaining one can be tricky – there is the lighting, fertilizing schedule, water conditions, etc. The complexity of a planted tank may want you to pull your hair out! That said, if you want to maintain your own plant tank with care and attention (and without having to run back inside every five minutes), I’m here to provide some secrets that will help you do so successfully.

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Ranchu Goldfish

RANCHU GOLDFISH – Caring For The Beautiful King Of Goldfish

Considered the “King of Goldfish” by the Japanese, Ranchu goldfish are among the oldest and most popular fancy goldfish. They hold a special place in the minds of many goldfish enthusiasts, thanks to their unique appearance. An aquarium teeming with these beautiful fish is sure to enhance the aesthetic appeal of just about any place, be it your home or your office!

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Pearlscale Goldfish

How To Care For Your Pearlscale Goldfish

Pearlscale goldfish are a pretty common fish to see in pet stores, but they’re actually quite delicate and require more care than other varieties of goldfish. They have a lot of beautiful colors on their scales, which is why some people call them “scaleless” or “pearlscale.” The luminescent scales of the egg shaped pearlscale goldfish make it one of the most sought after freshwater fish for beginner aquarists the world over. I’ll be going over the basics of feeding, tank size, water quality, and tank mates.

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Cherry Barb

Cherry Barb Care – A Complete Guide

Have you recently purchased a cherry barb? Great choice! This fish is one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish and with good reason. They are brightly colored, easy to care for, and add life to any tank. The cherry barb has been ranked as one of the best beginner fish for people who are just starting out in the hobby of fishkeeping. This blog post will cover everything you need to know about keeping your cherry barb happy and healthy! Read on to find out more about this amazing little fish!

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Oranda Goldfish

How To Care For Oranda Goldfish – A Complete Guide

When you first bring home your new Oranda goldfish, it can be overwhelming with all the things you have to do. You may worry about how much water to change each week and what kind of food to feed them. But don’t fret! I’m here to help!

I’ll teach you everything there is about caring for your Oranda goldfish – from tank size requirements and the best type of food, to proper feeding techniques and even a few tips on breeding fish. So get ready because we are about dive deep into this fascinating Goldfish!

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Marine Velvet

Marine Velvet – Surviving and Preventing A Tank Terror

Have you come to this post wondering if your fish has Marine Velvet? I feel your pain if you have. In my over 25 years of experience, Marine Velvet is the most common disease tank crasher in the hobby. It strikes fast, kills fast, and most people aren’t prepared for it. It’s the one disease I fear the most in my saltwater aquarium. In fact, it is labeled one of the deadly three in my how to quarantine saltwater fish post.

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Best Place To Buy Fish Online

What’s The Best Place To Buy Fish Online? Here’s My Top 15

Looking for the best place to buy fish online? I get this asked to me a lot and it brings back memories when I started out in the saltwater tank hobby back in the early 90s. Back then you just went to the local fish store to get your fish, live plants, and corals. I remember there was a store called Flying Fish Express and me trying to myself how crazy this is that you can get a fish shipped to you overnight.

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Reef Tanks Setup

Reef Tanks Setup – 7 Quick Must Knows For Success

Did you come to this post wanting to learn about proper reef tanks setup? If so, you are in for a treat today. I’m going to use my 25 years in saltwater tank keeping experience to guide you through everything you need to get yourself started on the right foot. I’ve been involved in saltwater tanks since I was 11 and throughout my experience I have setup various saltwater fish only and reef tanks.

The biggest issue when it comes to reef tanks is there are so many opinions on what is best. I founded this site with the goal of simplifying the hobby so the beginner than thrive. That is my mission to this day because I still see that reef tanks are intimating for many. Let’s first start off with an overview then go into the details

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