Mushroom Coral

Everything You Need to Know About Mushroom Coral Care

Looking for a colorful and easy to care for coral? A Mushroom Coral is as easy as it gets when it comes to easy coral care. These wonderful soft corals are not only easy to growth, but also come in a variety of colors. They will fulfill the needs of a reefer who is just starting out and satisfy the hobbyist looks for the most exotic corals they can buy. With the popularity of bounce corals and jawbreaker mushrooms, there is a mushroom coral for everyone!

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Goldfish Temperature

Goldfish temperature – what, how and why

Ah, goldfish temperature. This is such a contested topic. An oft-repeated adage about goldfish is that they are cold-water fish, and therefore should not be put in warm water. This is somewhat untrue.

You might not know this, but Goldfish can live in water of different temperatures. But what’s the range? What temperature is best for a goldfish? Why does it matter so much? Goldfish are some of the hardiest fish you will find, yes. And because of this, they certainly can survive at colder temperatures, but that’s not always the ideal setting for them to thrive in.

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Hammer Coral

How to Care for Your New Hammer Coral

Welcome to the blog for reef tank owners! This week’s topic is on how to care for your new hammer coral. The Hammer Coral is one of the most popular corals for reef tanks for their unique shape and coloration. Caring for your new Hammer Coral is easy, as long as you know what to do! In this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can care for your new hammer coral so that you can enjoy its beauty! Let’s get started!

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Jewel Cichlid

How to Care for a Jewel Cichlid in Your Home Aquarium

For many aquarists who wish to maintain a peaceful community tank, adding a jewel cichlid might not be worth it. However, keeping jewel cichlids is not only fun and rewarding, it’s also a great way to liven up your aquarium. Although their temperament might pose a problem to novice aquarists, the jewel cichlid is a worthwhile pet.

Wondering whether a jewel cichlid is worth putting in your home aquarium? Let our jewel cichlid care guide help you decide.

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Planted Aquarium

The Secrets To Keeping A Planted Aquarium (An Aquascaper’s Approach)

Planted aquariums are a great way to add life and color to your home. They can give a sense of tranquility in an otherwise busy space, and they also provide a utopia for fish giving them the most ideal environment. But maintaining one can be tricky – there is the lighting, fertilizing schedule, water conditions, etc. The complexity of a planted tank may want you to pull your hair out! That said, if you want to maintain your own plant tank with care and attention (and without having to run back inside every five minutes), I’m here to provide some secrets that will help you do so successfully.

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Ranchu Goldfish

RANCHU GOLDFISH – Caring For The Beautiful King Of Goldfish

Considered the “King of Goldfish” by the Japanese, Ranchu goldfish are among the oldest and most popular fancy goldfish. They hold a special place in the minds of many goldfish enthusiasts, thanks to their unique appearance. An aquarium teeming with these beautiful fish is sure to enhance the aesthetic appeal of just about any place, be it your home or your office!

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Duncan Coral

How To Care For Your New Duncan Coral

Fellow reefers, we have all been there. We are so excited to buy a new coral and the excitement is quickly followed by fear that we won’t know how to care for it properly. Fortunately a Duncan Coral is one of the easier LPS corals to keep in the hobby. However, they are a coral and require proper care. And being an LPS corals there are other parameters that come into play when it comes to growing a healthy colony of Duncans.

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Anubias Nana

Anubias Nana Care guide: The Beginner’s Aquarium Plant

If you’re new to the hobby of keeping plants alive in an aquarium, you may be unsure of which plant is best for your first. If so, Anubias Nana might be just the ticket! These hardy little plants are perfect for beginners because they tolerate a wide range of water conditions and grow slowly enough that it’s easy to keep up with their maintenance. This article will teach you everything you need to know about caring for these beautiful aquatic plants.

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Ludwigia Repens

Ludwigia Repens Plant Care: A Guide to Growth and Maintenance

Looking for an easy to care for red plant? Ludwigia repens may for you then. Reds are a major challenge for beginner planted tank owners due to their more complex care over green plants. However, this plant bucks the trend with its forgiving nature. Ludwigia repens, or the red leaf ludwigia is a great beginner plant that can be grown under a wide range of different lighting conditions, and with or without CO2 injection. This is one of the best red plants for beginners to start out with. Read on to learn everything you need to know about growing the red leaf ludwigia.

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